In this tutorial, we are going to show you how to change the DNS on your Android device. Changing your DNSsettings is usually mentioned as one of the simplest ways to optimize your internet speed and solve many issues you might encounter while streaming IPTV channels. What is Internet streaming?
DNS servers play a major role in IPTV streaming. While there are no mandatory tasks to improve internet speeds, we can make many smaller tweaks and improvements. These improvements work together to increase our overall internet speed and the DNS servers play an essential role. What is IPTV?
Before you change to any DNS addresses, make sure you write down your current DNS address so you can keep these numbers in case you need to get back to your original settings.
If your original settings were set to “Automatic”, just change your DNS settings back to “Automatic”. This applies to all the devices mentioned in this article.
How to change DNS on a Android device
Step 1: Go to “Settings”.
Step 2: Select “Wi-Fi” and Press and hold active wireless network until a dialog pops up.
Step 3: Press on “Modify network config”.
Step 4: Check “Show advanced options”.
Step 5: Change “IP settings” to “Static”.
Step 6: In the “DNS 1” and “DNS 2” fields enter the DNS Server address and Press on “Save”.
DNS Addresses:
Cloudflare DNS: or
Google DNS: or
Open DNS: or
DNS Watch: or
Restart your device and Enjoy.
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